
Friday, August 31, 2007

What is important to God: psalm 68

A father to the Fatherless
A defender of widows
Sets the lonely in families
Leads forth the prisoners with singing
Our God is a God who saves (from a sovereign Lord comes escape from death)
He daily bears our burdens
Sing praise to God O kingdoms of the earth


Monday, August 20, 2007

Moving to India

I love inhaling simple basic needs and exhaling clutter. Both mentally and physically. Now that I am planning to move to India it has been made all the more real to me. My mental basics- contemplating the goodness of God, and letting myself go in that. Rachel and Chinua have left for a couple of weeks and are letting me stay in there house. I feel washed clean of my stuff and able to access what is really important and what I really love. One thing that is important is to always have a book to read that I can chew over and keeps the mechanics of my brain oiled and functioning nicely. Although sometimes when I'm reading a good book that excites my brain with meaty morsels it (my brain) jumps around nervously and I start to get fidgety and wanting to look up random baby names that pop into my head or get up and walk to the fridge open it absentmindedly, then shut it not having really looked for anything and then read labels on surrounding objects. Then I sit down and pick the book back up. I think this means I need a lesson in rest, or to not drink so much caffeine.
Oh and yes India. The plans up till now have been to move there along with the Fords and the Robinsons. After my trip to Turkey a thirst was re-birthed in me for travel, living out of a back pack and being away from my home country. When I am away I feel as though I finally am, like I was invisible and little dots of color start bringing me out until Renee is there in full color and completely alive.
I am also a little nervous as to how my life will look after I move. India holds to key to be both, exciting, colorful and stimulating, and wrenchingly heartbreaking at the same time. I have heard of India as being the country of extreme opposites, and if any one is interested in praying for me my prayer would be to embrace both opposites glorifying God for the beauty around me while living his love in the darkness that surrounds it.