Rockstar Renee

I was just sorting through old pictures and found this one which was from my first days on the ship. Looking at it brought a rush of feelings of newness, the exciting and scary beginnings of being surrounded by a whole community of people from all around the world who didn't know a thing about me, or I them.
Who was I going to befriend, who would be my tight knit group of home away from home family. My roommates faces were comfortably familiar at that point but I had no idea to what extent I would get to know them, and how comfortable I would soon become with them, like sisters. Pictures like these give me so much excitement for the years to come, just thinking of how much I've changed, how much less insecure, all the close friends I've met and exciting experiences I've had. I can't even imagine in ten years time what my thoughts will be when looking at a picture from now, it's really so interesting thinking about it.
I think getting older is fun in that way. The way we get more centered and not so insecure. It will be a great next ten years.
Isn't that amazing? Looking back, then realizing in the future we'll be looking back to now...
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