About 2 years ago I became the cook in my community. I didn't even know how to cook at that point, not really. I have always had a desire to learn though, especially cooking from scratch. Now I do everything, from legumes to soba noodles. Grocery shopping is the best because I always feel so proud when going through the check stand. It's basically tons of fresh produce, bulk goods like beans rice and flour and other various yummy healthy stuff. So anyway, all that to say the other night I did an eggplant curry, and I made my first curry powder from scratch
These are the spices being toasted(looking like bird food)

and then ground

Best dang curry in the universe. We've come a long way from sweet potato stir fry every day.
That is amazing. Good job.
Wow! You must be so proud!
Curry has always baffled me. In America I was told that Curry was a lot of different spices. Then I went to India where I was told "oh no, its a plant! Here it is! It grows all over India!"
Then I went back to America and they said "oh no, its a combo of this and that, doesn't grow on a tree, isn't a plant."
Then I went back to get the picture.
So, what IS in Curry? I'm wondering which plant my friends in India call curry...
Catherine, that's so weird, my undertanding of curry is also that it is a bunch of spices, I've even read in an Indian cookbook that most families have there own curry recipe.
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